Thursday, April 16, 2009

Icon: Peggy Guggenheim

Peggy Guggenheim remains one of my all-time icons - in life and fashion.

She was born into an incredibly wealthy, privileged family (duh), but cultivated an incredible eye and taste for art and ran in some seriously cool bohemian circles while living as an ex-pat in Europe.

Guggenheim moved to Europe, where she voraciously collected art in order to open a museum. She obtained works by Marcel Duchamp, Jackson Pollock and Mark Rothko (to name a very, very few).

She eventually moved to Venice, where she bought the Palazzo Venier dei Leoni on the Grand Canal. She lived there for many years, and later opened her home up as a museum

Peggy was also something of a fashionista. You don't exactly get photographed by Man Ray (wearing Paul Poiret) for nothing. In her later years, she managed to remain stylish as ever, frequently rocking some of the funkiest sunglasses I've ever seen.

Cheers to you, Ms. Guggenheim.

1 comment:

  1. the peggy guggenheim museum was probably one of my favorite parts of the entire city. and there are several pairs of her sunglasses there.
